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What would you do?
Some food for thought...
Concerning "The Passion of the Christ"
A comment to "Dominus Iesus"
by the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kyrillos Leret-Aldir
A sermon on forgiveness
by Metropolitan Nikitas of Hong Kong
Homily on Luke 14: 16-24
by Fr Anthony Coniaris
The meaning of the name "Christian"
by Fr Anthony Coniaris, homily on Acts 11:26
The Angels: Messengers of God
Concerning Hope
by St Seraphim of Sarov
Concerning Falsehood
by Abba Dorotheos
Concerning temptation and sin
by St Theophan the Recluse
St John of Damascus on Paradise, Free Will and Providence
The other-worldliness of Holy Orthodoxy
A Sermon
by Bishop Nikolay Velimirovic
The difference between Orthodox spirituality and other traditions
(Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
The dangers of secularisation in the Church
(Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary
(Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos)
Europe and Liberalism
by Carole P. Leret
Is 'Halloween' just harmless fun?
Obsession with the Zodiac
The Flame of love for man
"Father give the blessing"
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